Consulting 101 Young Bin Kim Consulting 101 Young Bin Kim

Consulting 101 - Company Outing

It can be difficult to network, and get to know your work colleagues when you work in consulting. Since most of the job is done on a different client site on a project basis, you tend to build strong lasting relationships with your project members, but have a limited view on everyone else who works at the firm. Thinking in terms of simple math, you generally work in a team of 3~5 people for a duration of 2~3 months per project. In a given year, you may interact then with only 20~30 people.

consulting firms generally have a big workshop once a year on a company wide scale to get the whole firm together for team-building, but also to share company-level updates, and also just allow the members to indulge and have a good time. We generally refer to this is the company ‘outing’ and is generally a mandatory internal event

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“Create slides that demonstrate, with emotional proof, that what you’re saying is true not just accurate.”

— Seth Godin